We subscribe to the following ethical standards and procedures related to the following specific
functions of psychologists: psychological assessment, therapy, education and training, and
A. Bases for Assessment
1. The expert opinions that we provide through our recommendations, reports, and
diagnostic or evaluative statements are based on substantial information and appropriate
assessment techniques.
2. We provide expert opinions regarding the psychological characteristics of a person only
after employing adequate assessment procedures and examination to support our
conclusions and recommendations.
3. In instances where we are asked to provide opinions about an individual without
conducting an examination on the basis of review of existing test results and reports, we
discuss the limitations of our opinions and the basis of our conclusions and
B. Informed Consent in Assessment
1. We gather informed consent prior to the assessment of our clients except for the
following instances:
a. when it is mandated by the law
b. when it is implied such as in routine educational, institutional and organizational
c. when the purpose of the assessment is to determine the individual’s decisional
2. We educate our clients about the nature of our services, financial arrangements, potential
risks, and limits of confidentiality. In instances where our clients are not competent to
provide informed consent on assessment, we discuss these matters with immediate family
members or legal guardians. (See also III-J, Informed Consent in Human Relations)
3. In instances where a third party interpreter is needed, the confidentiality of test results
and the security of the tests must be ensured. The limitations of the obtained data are
discussed in our results, conclusions, and recommendations.
C. Assessment Tools
1. We judiciously select and administer only those tests which are pertinent to the reasons
for referral and purpose of the assessment.
2. We use data collection, methods and procedures that are consistent with current scientific
and professional developments.
PAP Code of Ethics, page 18
3. We use tests that are standardized, valid, reliable, and has a normative data directly
referable to the population of our clients.
4. We administer assessment tools that are appropriate to the language, competence and
other relevant characteristics of our client.
D. Obsolete and Outdated Test Results
1. We do not base our interpretations, conclusions, and recommendations on outdated test
2. We do not provide interpretations, conclusions, and recommendations on the basis of
obsolete tests.
E. Interpreting Assessment Results
1. In fairness to our clients, under no circumstances should we report the test results without
taking into consideration the validity, reliability, and appropriateness of the test. We
should therefore indicate our reservations regarding the interpretations.
2. We interpret assessment results while considering the purpose of the assessment and
other factors such as the client’s test taking abilities, characteristics, situational, personal,
and cultural differences.
F. Release of Test Data
1. It is our responsibility to ensure that test results and interpretations are not used by
persons other than those explicitly agreed upon by the referral sources prior to the
assessment procedure.
2. We do not release test data in the forms of raw and scaled scores, client’s responses to
test questions or stimuli, and notes regarding the client’s statements and behaviors during
the examination unless regulated by the court.
G. Explaining Assessment Results
1. We release test results only to the sources of referral and with a written permission from
the client if it is a self referral.
2. Where test results have to be communicated to relatives, parents, or teachers, we explain
them through a non-technical language.
3. We explain findings and test results to our clients or designated representatives except
when the relationship precludes the provision of explanation of results and it is explained
in advanced to the client.
4. When test results needs to be shared with schools, social agencies, the courts or industry,
we supervise such releases.
PAP Code of Ethics, page 19
H. Test Security
The administration and handling of all test materials (manuals, keys, answer sheets, reusable
booklets, etc.) shall be handled only by qualified users or personnel.
I. Assessment by Unqualified Persons
1. We do not promote the use of assessment tools and methods by unqualified persons
except for training purposes with adequate supervision.
2. We ensure that test protocols, their interpretations and all other records are kept secured
from unqualified persons.
J. Test Construction
We develop tests and other assessment tools using current scientific findings and knowledge,
appropriate psychometric properties, validation, and standardization procedures.
ETHICAL STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES IN SPECIFIC FUNCTIONSWe subscribe to the following ethical standards and procedures related to the following specificfunctions of psychologists: psychological assessment, therapy, education and training, andresearch.VII. ASSESSMENTA. Bases for Assessment1. The expert opinions that we provide through our recommendations, reports, anddiagnostic or evaluative statements are based on substantial information and appropriateassessment techniques.2. We provide expert opinions regarding the psychological characteristics of a person onlyafter employing adequate assessment procedures and examination to support ourconclusions and recommendations.3. In instances where we are asked to provide opinions about an individual withoutconducting an examination on the basis of review of existing test results and reports, wediscuss the limitations of our opinions and the basis of our conclusions andrecommendations.B. Informed Consent in Assessment1. We gather informed consent prior to the assessment of our clients except for thefollowing instances:a. when it is mandated by the lawb. when it is implied such as in routine educational, institutional and organizationalactivityc. when the purpose of the assessment is to determine the individual’s decisionalcapacity.2. We educate our clients about the nature of our services, financial arrangements, potentialrisks, and limits of confidentiality. In instances where our clients are not competent toprovide informed consent on assessment, we discuss these matters with immediate familymembers or legal guardians. (See also III-J, Informed Consent in Human Relations)3. In instances where a third party interpreter is needed, the confidentiality of test resultsand the security of the tests must be ensured. The limitations of the obtained data arediscussed in our results, conclusions, and recommendations.C. Assessment Tools1. We judiciously select and administer only those tests which are pertinent to the reasonsfor referral and purpose of the assessment.2. We use data collection, methods and procedures that are consistent with current scientificand professional developments.PAP Code of Ethics, page 183. We use tests that are standardized, valid, reliable, and has a normative data directlyreferable to the population of our clients.4. We administer assessment tools that are appropriate to the language, competence andother relevant characteristics of our client.D. Obsolete and Outdated Test Results1. We do not base our interpretations, conclusions, and recommendations on outdated testresults.2. We do not provide interpretations, conclusions, and recommendations on the basis ofobsolete tests.E. Interpreting Assessment Results1. In fairness to our clients, under no circumstances should we report the test results withouttaking into consideration the validity, reliability, and appropriateness of the test. Weshould therefore indicate our reservations regarding the interpretations.2. We interpret assessment results while considering the purpose of the assessment andother factors such as the client’s test taking abilities, characteristics, situational, personal,and cultural differences.F. Release of Test Data1. It is our responsibility to ensure that test results and interpretations are not used bypersons other than those explicitly agreed upon by the referral sources prior to theassessment procedure.2. We do not release test data in the forms of raw and scaled scores, client’s responses totest questions or stimuli, and notes regarding the client’s statements and behaviors duringthe examination unless regulated by the court.G. Explaining Assessment Results1. We release test results only to the sources of referral and with a written permission fromthe client if it is a self referral.2. Where test results have to be communicated to relatives, parents, or teachers, we explainthem through a non-technical language.3. We explain findings and test results to our clients or designated representatives exceptwhen the relationship precludes the provision of explanation of results and it is explainedin advanced to the client.4. When test results needs to be shared with schools, social agencies, the courts or industry,we supervise such releases.PAP Code of Ethics, page 19H. Test SecurityThe administration and handling of all test materials (manuals, keys, answer sheets, reusablebooklets, etc.) shall be handled only by qualified users or personnel.
I. Assessment by Unqualified Persons
1. We do not promote the use of assessment tools and methods by unqualified persons
except for training purposes with adequate supervision.
2. We ensure that test protocols, their interpretations and all other records are kept secured
from unqualified persons.
J. Test Construction
We develop tests and other assessment tools using current scientific findings and knowledge,
appropriate psychometric properties, validation, and standardization procedures.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
We subscribe to the following ethical standards and procedures related to the following specific
functions of psychologists: psychological assessment, therapy, education and training, and
A. Bases for Assessment
1. The expert opinions that we provide through our recommendations, reports, and
diagnostic or evaluative statements are based on substantial information and appropriate
assessment techniques.
2. We provide expert opinions regarding the psychological characteristics of a person only
after employing adequate assessment procedures and examination to support our
conclusions and recommendations.
3. In instances where we are asked to provide opinions about an individual without
conducting an examination on the basis of review of existing test results and reports, we
discuss the limitations of our opinions and the basis of our conclusions and
B. Informed Consent in Assessment
1. We gather informed consent prior to the assessment of our clients except for the
following instances:
a. when it is mandated by the law
b. when it is implied such as in routine educational, institutional and organizational
c. when the purpose of the assessment is to determine the individual’s decisional
2. We educate our clients about the nature of our services, financial arrangements, potential
risks, and limits of confidentiality. In instances where our clients are not competent to
provide informed consent on assessment, we discuss these matters with immediate family
members or legal guardians. (See also III-J, Informed Consent in Human Relations)
3. In instances where a third party interpreter is needed, the confidentiality of test results
and the security of the tests must be ensured. The limitations of the obtained data are
discussed in our results, conclusions, and recommendations.
C. Assessment Tools
1. We judiciously select and administer only those tests which are pertinent to the reasons
for referral and purpose of the assessment.
2. We use data collection, methods and procedures that are consistent with current scientific
and professional developments.
PAP Code of Ethics, page 18
3. We use tests that are standardized, valid, reliable, and has a normative data directly
referable to the population of our clients.
4. We administer assessment tools that are appropriate to the language, competence and
other relevant characteristics of our client.
D. Obsolete and Outdated Test Results
1. We do not base our interpretations, conclusions, and recommendations on outdated test
2. We do not provide interpretations, conclusions, and recommendations on the basis of
obsolete tests.
E. Interpreting Assessment Results
1. In fairness to our clients, under no circumstances should we report the test results without
taking into consideration the validity, reliability, and appropriateness of the test. We
should therefore indicate our reservations regarding the interpretations.
2. We interpret assessment results while considering the purpose of the assessment and
other factors such as the client’s test taking abilities, characteristics, situational, personal,
and cultural differences.
F. Release of Test Data
1. It is our responsibility to ensure that test results and interpretations are not used by
persons other than those explicitly agreed upon by the referral sources prior to the
assessment procedure.
2. We do not release test data in the forms of raw and scaled scores, client’s responses to
test questions or stimuli, and notes regarding the client’s statements and behaviors during
the examination unless regulated by the court.
G. Explaining Assessment Results
1. We release test results only to the sources of referral and with a written permission from
the client if it is a self referral.
2. Where test results have to be communicated to relatives, parents, or teachers, we explain
them through a non-technical language.
3. We explain findings and test results to our clients or designated representatives except
when the relationship precludes the provision of explanation of results and it is explained
in advanced to the client.
4. When test results needs to be shared with schools, social agencies, the courts or industry,
we supervise such releases.
PAP Code of Ethics, page 19
H. Test Security
The administration and handling of all test materials (manuals, keys, answer sheets, reusable
booklets, etc.) shall be handled only by qualified users or personnel.
I. Assessment by Unqualified Persons
1. We do not promote the use of assessment tools and methods by unqualified persons
except for training purposes with adequate supervision.
2. We ensure that test protocols, their interpretations and all other records are kept secured
from unqualified persons.
J. Test Construction
We develop tests and other assessment tools using current scientific findings and knowledge,
appropriate psychometric properties, validation, and standardization procedures.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
도덕적 표준 및 프로그램 구체적인 기능
우리 동의 이하의 도덕적 표준 및 이하의 심리학자 구체적인
기능 관련 과정: 심리 평가, 치료, 교육 및 교육 및 연구
A. 기지 평가
1.전문가의 의견, 우리는 우리의 건의를 제공한다 통해 보고서 및
진단 및 평가 진술은 대량의 정보 및 적절한 평가 기술 기반
2.우리는 전문가의 의견을 제공할 건
심리적 특성 을 채택 적절한 평가 절차 및 검사 와 지지 우리 결론 및 제안
3.특정 상황에서 우리 요청 개인 의견이 안
관한기존 테스트 결과 보고 및 전개하다 심사 대한 기초 위에서 검사, 우리는
토론 우리의 의견에 제한성 우리와 결론 및 제안 기초 위에
B. 모르는 동의한 평가
1.우리 수집했다 모르는 동의 고객 평가 전에 다음 상황을 제외하고
때 그것은 법률로 규정된
B.그것에 의해 같은 걸로 암시 정규 교육 제도 및 조직 활동
걸로 평가 목적은 확정 개인의 능력을 결정
2.우리 교육 우리의 고객 Google 서비스에 대해 자연 재무 배치, 잠재 위험 및
, 비밀로 제한.우리의 고객 능력이
인스턴스제공하는 것에 대해 평가 모르는, 우리는 이 문제를 직계 가족 또는 법적 보호자는
.(대인 관계 에서 도 보고 iii-j, 모르는 동의)
3.특정 상황에서 3분의 측의 설명이 필요하다, 테스트 결과
비밀 및 테스트 안전을 반드시 다짐을 받다.얻은 데이터 제한성
우리 토론 결과 결론및 제안.
C. 평가 도구
1.우리 현명하게 선택권과 관리 이 테스트 것은 돌다 진찰 및 평가 위해 관련 목적은
2.우리 사용할 데이터 세트, 이것은 및 현재 과학
및 전문 발전 서로 일치 방법 및 절차
윤리 PAP 코드, 18 페이지
3.우리가 사용하는 테스트, 표준화, 효과적인, 확실하다,과 한 규범 데이터를 직접
고객 참고
4 인구.우리는 관리 평가 도구, 적당한 언어 능력 및
고객 등 관련 기능.
D. 낡은 및 지난 테스트 결과
1.우리는 우리를 위해 해명을 결론을 및 지난 테스트 결과
.우리는 제공 설명 결론지금
유행 실험 기초 위에 건의를.
E. 통역 품질 평가 결과
1.공평한 고객 어떤 상황에서도 우리는 모두 반드시 보고 테스트 결과 안
생각해 유효성, 신뢰성 테스트 및 적절한 성.우리는 반드시 따르면 우리의 의견을 보류한다
2.우리 는 평가 결과 고려,
기타 요인 만약 클라이언트 의 응시 능력을 평가 목적 특징, 광경, 사람이
및 문화 차이.
F. 석방 테스트 데이터
1.우리 책임은 확보 테스트 결과 및 설명 안 쓰는
명문 약속 널리 형성
평가 절차 전에
2 사람 말고.우리는 석방 테스트 데이터 원본 형식과 규모에 점수를 고객의
시험 또는 자극 반응 을 지적하다, 고객 의 진술과 행위에 대해
시험 기간 동안 오직 법원의 규정하고 있다.
G. 해석 평가 결과
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..