A. Maintaining Confidentiality
It is our duty to safeguard any information divulged by our clients, regardless of the medium
where it was stored. It is also our duty to make sure that this information is secured and is not
placed in areas, spaces or computers easily accessible to other unqualified persons.
B. Limitations of Confidentiality
1. It is our duty to discuss the limitations of confidentiality to our clients, may it be due to
regulated laws, institutional rules, or professional or scientific relationship. In cases
where the client is a minor or is legally incapable of giving informed consent, the primary
guardian or legal representative should be informed about the limitations of
2. Before the actual interview, session, or any other related psychological activities, we
explain explicitly to the client all anticipated uses of the information they will disclose.
3. We may release information to appropriate individuals or authorities only after careful
deliberation or when there is imminent danger to the individual and community. In court
cases, information should be limited only to those pertinent to the legitimate request of
the court.
4. If the psychological services, products, or information is coursed through an electronic
transmission, it is our duty to inform the clients of risks to privacy.
C. Recording
It is our duty to obtain permission from clients or their legal representatives before recording
the voices or images of the clients. Before the actual recording, we explain explicitly all
anticipated uses of recorded voices or images of the clients. (See also section VII.B.)
PAP Code of Ethics, page 13
D. Minimizing Invasions of Privacy
1. When we consult cases with our colleagues or make written and oral reports, we only
reveal information that is relevant to the purpose for which the communication is made.
2. We discuss confidential information we obtained from our work only to persons clearly
concerned or only for scientific, medical and professional purposes.
E. Disclosures
1. We take reasonable steps to ensure that information to be disclosed will not be misused,
misunderstood or misinterpreted to infringe on human rights, whether intentionally or
2. We may disclose confidential information only when the client or legal representative
gave their consent, unless it is prohibited by law.
3. We may disclose confidential information only to the source of referral and with a written
permission from the client if it is self-referral.
4. We may disclose confidential information without the consent of the client or legal
representative only when it is mandated by law or permitted by law for valid purposes
such as:
(a) when professional services are needed to be provided;
(b) when appropriate professional consultations are needed to be obtained;
(c) when the client, psychologist, or others are needed to be protected from harm;
(d) When payments for psychological services are needed to be obtained from a
client who does not pay for services as agreed (see also section VI).
However, the extent to which we divulge information is limited to what is only needed to
achieve the purpose.
5. When confidential information is needed to be shared with schools, organizations, social
agencies or industry, we make sure that only qualified psychologists will supervise such
6. Information gathered from school, hospital, office or organization becomes part of the
institution where it was obtained. Release of such information becomes confidential and
may be acquired only with prior approval from management.
F. Consultation
1. We do not discuss with our colleagues or other professionals confidential information
that could lead to the identification of the client, unless the client gave consent or the
disclosure cannot be avoided.
2. When we seek second opinion from our colleagues or other professionals, we make sure
that the extent to which we disclose information is limited to what is only needed to
achieve the purpose.
PAP Code of Ethics, page 14
G. Use of Confidential Information for Other Purposes
We do not reveal confidential and personally identifiable information of our clients in our
writings, lectures, classroom discussions, or other public media unless the client or legal
representative consented in writing; there is legal authorization; or, we take reasonable steps to
adequately disguise the client
A. Maintaining Confidentiality
It is our duty to safeguard any information divulged by our clients, regardless of the medium
where it was stored. It is also our duty to make sure that this information is secured and is not
placed in areas, spaces or computers easily accessible to other unqualified persons.
B. Limitations of Confidentiality
1. It is our duty to discuss the limitations of confidentiality to our clients, may it be due to
regulated laws, institutional rules, or professional or scientific relationship. In cases
where the client is a minor or is legally incapable of giving informed consent, the primary
guardian or legal representative should be informed about the limitations of
2. Before the actual interview, session, or any other related psychological activities, we
explain explicitly to the client all anticipated uses of the information they will disclose.
3. We may release information to appropriate individuals or authorities only after careful
deliberation or when there is imminent danger to the individual and community. In court
cases, information should be limited only to those pertinent to the legitimate request of
the court.
4. If the psychological services, products, or information is coursed through an electronic
transmission, it is our duty to inform the clients of risks to privacy.
C. Recording
It is our duty to obtain permission from clients or their legal representatives before recording
the voices or images of the clients. Before the actual recording, we explain explicitly all
anticipated uses of recorded voices or images of the clients. (See also section VII.B.)
PAP Code of Ethics, page 13
D. Minimizing Invasions of Privacy
1. When we consult cases with our colleagues or make written and oral reports, we only
reveal information that is relevant to the purpose for which the communication is made.
2. We discuss confidential information we obtained from our work only to persons clearly
concerned or only for scientific, medical and professional purposes.
E. Disclosures
1. We take reasonable steps to ensure that information to be disclosed will not be misused,
misunderstood or misinterpreted to infringe on human rights, whether intentionally or
2. We may disclose confidential information only when the client or legal representative
gave their consent, unless it is prohibited by law.
3. We may disclose confidential information only to the source of referral and with a written
permission from the client if it is self-referral.
4. We may disclose confidential information without the consent of the client or legal
representative only when it is mandated by law or permitted by law for valid purposes
such as:
(a) when professional services are needed to be provided;
(b) when appropriate professional consultations are needed to be obtained;
(c) when the client, psychologist, or others are needed to be protected from harm;
(d) When payments for psychological services are needed to be obtained from a
client who does not pay for services as agreed (see also section VI).
However, the extent to which we divulge information is limited to what is only needed to
achieve the purpose.
5. When confidential information is needed to be shared with schools, organizations, social
agencies or industry, we make sure that only qualified psychologists will supervise such
6. Information gathered from school, hospital, office or organization becomes part of the
institution where it was obtained. Release of such information becomes confidential and
may be acquired only with prior approval from management.
F. Consultation
1. We do not discuss with our colleagues or other professionals confidential information
that could lead to the identification of the client, unless the client gave consent or the
disclosure cannot be avoided.
2. When we seek second opinion from our colleagues or other professionals, we make sure
that the extent to which we disclose information is limited to what is only needed to
achieve the purpose.
PAP Code of Ethics, page 14
G. Use of Confidential Information for Other Purposes
We do not reveal confidential and personally identifiable information of our clients in our
writings, lectures, classroom discussions, or other public media unless the client or legal
representative consented in writing; there is legal authorization; or, we take reasonable steps to
adequately disguise the client
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
A. Maintaining Confidentiality
It is our duty to safeguard any information divulged by our clients, regardless of the medium
where it was stored. It is also our duty to make sure that this information is secured and is not
placed in areas, spaces or computers easily accessible to other unqualified persons.
B. Limitations of Confidentiality
1. It is our duty to discuss the limitations of confidentiality to our clients, may it be due to
regulated laws, institutional rules, or professional or scientific relationship. In cases
where the client is a minor or is legally incapable of giving informed consent, the primary
guardian or legal representative should be informed about the limitations of
2. Before the actual interview, session, or any other related psychological activities, we
explain explicitly to the client all anticipated uses of the information they will disclose.
3. We may release information to appropriate individuals or authorities only after careful
deliberation or when there is imminent danger to the individual and community. In court
cases, information should be limited only to those pertinent to the legitimate request of
the court.
4. If the psychological services, products, or information is coursed through an electronic
transmission, it is our duty to inform the clients of risks to privacy.
C. Recording
It is our duty to obtain permission from clients or their legal representatives before recording
the voices or images of the clients. Before the actual recording, we explain explicitly all
anticipated uses of recorded voices or images of the clients. (See also section VII.B.)
PAP Code of Ethics, page 13
D. Minimizing Invasions of Privacy
1. When we consult cases with our colleagues or make written and oral reports, we only
reveal information that is relevant to the purpose for which the communication is made.
2. We discuss confidential information we obtained from our work only to persons clearly
concerned or only for scientific, medical and professional purposes.
E. Disclosures
1. We take reasonable steps to ensure that information to be disclosed will not be misused,
misunderstood or misinterpreted to infringe on human rights, whether intentionally or
2. We may disclose confidential information only when the client or legal representative
gave their consent, unless it is prohibited by law.
3. We may disclose confidential information only to the source of referral and with a written
permission from the client if it is self-referral.
4. We may disclose confidential information without the consent of the client or legal
representative only when it is mandated by law or permitted by law for valid purposes
such as:
(a) when professional services are needed to be provided;
(b) when appropriate professional consultations are needed to be obtained;
(c) when the client, psychologist, or others are needed to be protected from harm;
(d) When payments for psychological services are needed to be obtained from a
client who does not pay for services as agreed (see also section VI).
However, the extent to which we divulge information is limited to what is only needed to
achieve the purpose.
5. When confidential information is needed to be shared with schools, organizations, social
agencies or industry, we make sure that only qualified psychologists will supervise such
6. Information gathered from school, hospital, office or organization becomes part of the
institution where it was obtained. Release of such information becomes confidential and
may be acquired only with prior approval from management.
F. Consultation
1. We do not discuss with our colleagues or other professionals confidential information
that could lead to the identification of the client, unless the client gave consent or the
disclosure cannot be avoided.
2. When we seek second opinion from our colleagues or other professionals, we make sure
that the extent to which we disclose information is limited to what is only needed to
achieve the purpose.
PAP Code of Ethics, page 14
G. Use of Confidential Information for Other Purposes
We do not reveal confidential and personally identifiable information of our clients in our
writings, lectures, classroom discussions, or other public media unless the client or legal
representative consented in writing; there is legal authorization; or, we take reasonable steps to
adequately disguise the client
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
네, 비밀
A. 비밀로 아무 정보 유출 우리의 고객 우리 책임 관리, 그 중
보관한다.또한 이 정보 안전 확보 안
을 방치 지역 우리의 직책은, 공백 혹은 컴퓨터 쉽사리 다른 불합격.
B. 제한 비밀로
1.이것은 토론 비밀로 고객 제한 우리 책임 이 아마도 때문에
법 법률 제도 규칙, 또는 전공 혹은 과학 관계.사건
사용하는 클라이언트 한 부, 혹은 법적으로 알 수 동의 제공, 주요
보호자 또는 법정 대표자 마땅히
비밀로 제한.
2.면접 전에 세션 또는 기타 관련 심리활동을 어떤 우리
분명히 고객 모든 예상 용도가 정보 유출
3 것이다.우리 가 배포판 정보 적당한 개인 또는 부문 오직 경과를 자세히
심의 또는 개인의 및 사회 코앞에 위험이 있다.법정에서
예,정보 반드시 한해서만 그 대한 법원 법적 요구 관련
4.만약 심리 서비스, 제품 또는 은 정보 통해 전자
전송, 그것은 알림 고객의 프라이버시 위험 책임을.
C. 기록
네 기록 전에
은 고객 또는 그 법정 대리인. 허락해 책임을고객 소리 또는 그림.실제 기록 전에, 우리는 명확한 해명 기록 소리 또는 그림 고객 다
예상 용도가 있다.(만나서 일곱 날. B.)
윤리 PAP 코드, 13 Sheet씩 D. 최소
1 프라이버시.우리가 우리와 동료가 또는 컨설팅 사건에 대해 서면, 구두 보고 우리는 단지
따르면 그 진행 정보, 통신 목적은 관련.
2.우리 토론 기밀 정보, 우리 는 우리 스탭 분명히
오직 관심 혹은 겨우 위한 과학, 의학, 전문 용도가.
E. 공개
1.우리가 채택한 합리적인 절차 기준입니다 정보 공개 내용을 않을 것이다 의해 남용,
오해가 또는 곡해, 인권 침해, 아무리 일부러 또는 무의식
2.Google은 기밀을 정보 때에야 고객 또는 법정 대표자
동의하지 않는 한, 그것은 법률 에 금지.
3.Google은 기밀을 정보 마리 - 출처 와 고객 서면
허가, 만약 자기 추천
4.우리는 할 수 없이 고객 의 동의 또는 법적
대표 공개 비밀 정보 때에야 그것은 by 법률 규정 또는 법적 허가 합법적인 목적은 같다:
(한) 전문 서비스 필요할 때 제공
; (b) 이 적당히 전문 컨설팅 필요한 획득
(C); 되고 클라이언트 마음은 성리학자, 또는 기타 필요한 상처 받지 보호;
(D) 이 심리 서비스 지불 필요하다 는
고객 서비스 약속 안 지불 (참조 여섯째 날 얻은
). 그러나 어떤 정도는 우리 따르면 정보 한계가 뭐야, 만 필요
5.기밀 정보 및 학교 필요하다 고 '공유 사회
기구 또는 업계는우리는 반드시 오직 합격 심리학자 감독 그
6 버전 것이다.수집한 정보를 학교에서 병원 사무실 또는 조직 될 그
기구 일부 그것을 얻는다.이런 정보 비밀이니
석방 아마 오직 그 관리 사전 승인 인수 자문 F..
1.우리 토론 우리 동료 또는 기타 전문 인사의 기밀 정보
고객 의 인식 가져올 수도 있지 않는 한 고객 동의 또는
공개 피할 수 없습니다.
2.우리 대해 2차 에서 우리 동료 또는 기타 전문 인력, 우리는 반드시
정도는 우리 따르면 정보 한계가 말 만 필요
윤리 PAP 코드, 14 페이지
G. 기밀 정보 사용 목적 으로 다른
우리 기밀을 및 개인 우리
저작 고객의 정보를 강좌, 세미나, 또는 기타 공공 미디어 않는 한 고객 또는 법적
대표 서면 동의; 법률 내세우고 있다; 또는 우리 합리적인 조치를 절차가
충분히 위장 클라이언트
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..