3.2 End of Life (EOL)
When a product is to become superseded by newer versions or by alternative
products, Esterline SVS product management will announce an End Of Life
(EOL). This EOL communication may specify specific lead times and may also
specify maximum available quantities. The Esterline Sales team will lead on
communication of this EOL towards the customers and will do best effort to
reach all to which this is deemed relevant. Where Customers have certain
expectations or liabilities related to the product Life Cycle Status, it is strongly
advised to check on a regular basis with Esterline Sales or Service.
An EOL message will typically contain following information:
1. The formal EOL date on which commercial sales will end and the product will be removed from published price lists.
2. The period of Last Time Buy (LTB) during which customers can make final purchases of the product.
3. The maximum period until when products can be shipped
4. The period of continued, best effort based, service and support for the product and the date at which End of Service (EOS) will occur. This period is called the Sustainment Mode.