소리바다는 이사회를 통해 박성미 대표의 해임을 최종 결정했다고 10일 밝혔다. 이에 따라 소리바다는 손지현 단독 대표 체제로  번역 - 소리바다는 이사회를 통해 박성미 대표의 해임을 최종 결정했다고 10일 밝혔다. 이에 따라 소리바다는 손지현 단독 대표 체제로  영어 말하는 방법

소리바다는 이사회를 통해 박성미 대표의 해임을 최종 결정했다고

소리바다는 이사회를 통해 박성미 대표의 해임을 최종 결정했다고 10일 밝혔다. 이에 따라 소리바다는 손지현 단독 대표 체제로 변경한다.

소리바다에 따르면 박 전 대표는 개인의 다단계 금융사기 연루 관련 피소로 인해 일반주주들과 회사 임직원들을 납득시킬 수 없는 명예를 실추시켰다. 이에 따라 본인의 책임을 통감하고 직무수행이 어렵다는 일신상의 사유로 대표직에서 물러나겠다는 의사 표시를 지난 4일 밝혔다.
또한 8일 최대주주 지분매각관련 조회공시에 대해서도 소리바다 주식의 현황과 처분 여부에 대한 답변 요구에 대해 현재까지 아무런 답변을 하지 않고 있다. 이에 따라 소리바다는 이사회를 소집해 박 전 대표의 거취에 대한 안건을 상정하고 해임을 결정했다.
박 전 대표의 해임 결정의 이유는 최근 개인적인 피소 건으로 회사 이미지에 물의를 일으킨 점과 공동대표 체계를 무시하고 독단적으로 진행한 의사 결정으로 회사에 손실을 발생시킨 점 등이 주요 배경이다.
소리바다 관계자는 “앞으로 박 전 대표 책임에 의한 회사의 명예 실추, 독단적 사업 진행과 의사결정에 따른 손실 등에 대하여 검토 후 법적 조치를 취할 것”이라고 밝혔다.

[출처] 이투데이: http://www.etoday.co.kr/news/section/newsview.php?idxno=1369077#csidx2a4bec4c63116d3869340ce03e27a7e
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
The sound of the sea Board of Directors has final decision on dismissal of representatives through a night temper for 10 days. Accordingly, the sole representative of the hands over the prefectures into the sea the sound of change.According to soribada nights ago representatives of the individual implicated in fraud-related blood due to the multi-level general shareholders and company employees to shelter them unconvincing honor silcu. Accordingly, the applicant's responsibility to perform the duties I realized it represented a step away from being due to a doctor on the refurbishment marks the last four days.In addition, related to the sale of shares maximum shareholder inquiry public notice 8, about whether the disposal of shares and the sea the sound of the answers up to now there is no answer for the needs. According to soribada to convene the Board of directors do nights ago representatives of the movements and an agenda for the dismissal decision. The dismissal decision of representatives of nights ago sues the company image with the latest personal scandal that caused the point and ignoring the joint representative of the system and proceed to the more assertive decisions, such as the main point that caused the loss of the company background. Soribada officials "look forward to the responsibility of representing the company nights ago in honor of silcu, resulting in a loss of an assertive business progress and decisions, legal action will be taken after the review," he said.[Source] this today: http://www.etoday.co.kr/news/section/newsview.php?idxno=1369077#csidx2a4bec4c63116d3869340ce03e27a7e
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
Soribada has decided the final dismissal of bakseongmi represented through the Council it said 10 days. Accordingly, Soribada is changed to sonjihyeon sole representative system.

According to Soribada night before representatives were unable to discredit the honor to convince ordinary shareholders and company employees due to the personal involvement of a multi-level fraud related to the accused. Thus said the intention getdaneun tonggam the personal responsibility and step down as chairwoman reasons for this difficulty ilsinsang duties last four days.
In addition, eight days Answers to whether the status and disposition of Soribada shares on relevant queries disclosure largest shareholder stake sale It does not have any response to date for the request. Accordingly, Soribada has assumed an agenda for geochwi of convening year night before representatives of the Board and decided the dismissal.
Night why former representative Haim's decision ignores the point and co-head systems caused the water to a recent company image individual accused cases and it is that such a major background was as a decision-making progress arbitrarily caused losses to the company.
Soribada official "coming night before representatives honorary loss of the company by responsible, assertive business progress and the doctor then checked for loss caused by the decision, etc. . said it would take legal action. "

[source] yitudeyi: http://www.etoday.co.kr/news/section/newsview.php?idxno=1369077#csidx2a4bec4c63116d3869340ce03e27a7e
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
the sound of the sea through the park, a final decision on the dismissal. "10. therefore, the sound of the sea are a system change.according to the sound of the "war on behalf of private financial fraud related to the multilevel involvement as shareholders of the company"s senior staff and the staff can understand the loss of reputation. therefore, your responsibility, and perform the duty is difficult to be a representative of the thinking out of the table. the last 4 days of consultations.the largest shareholder of the shares, and 8th in the announcement for the investigation of the present situation and meaning of should answer the request has not any response. therefore, the sound of the sea. "the meeting on behalf of the choice of cases and to decide on."i recall the decision on behalf of the oil, the skin is a private company. the image of water caused by the point of system and the process of a decision to ignore any of the losses caused, and is the main point of the background.the official said: "the future of pu was responsible for the loss of the company"s reputation, the arbitrary operation and decision making, according to the research, for the loss of legal measures" way.[source] today: http: / / www. etoday. co. cn / news / section / newsview. php. idxno, 1369077 # csidx2a4bec4c63116d3869340ce03e27a7e
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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