the beauty of the pursuit of human being is born on this. especially in women, "the (american)" before the beautiful ideal, and in the ability or the like. therefore, women have their beauty, in order to do a variety of efforts and, recently, chemical and engineering technology, developed a variety of products are listed in the information and communication technology, the beauty equipment are listed. however,these instruments are valuable to the kind of the sensor, the professional management of the company and department of dermatology, in use, the use of product family is the most expensive products. the use of the sensor is high, do not have to use the skin to make the skin condition prediction method can the experiment, skin image, the shooting place running technique (deep learning) is one of the rare code (Sparse coding), the state of the water extraction to extract the extraction), and to the use of the characteristics of Support Vector Machine (SVM, support vector machine) technique. water is the classification prediction. in this way, after all, not only to have the water, etc., a variety of skin condition. the prediction can be.the department of dermatology and related diseases in remote diagnosis and treatment can help to achieve this.
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