2015-06-08 19:47:16
Dear barunjase,
Thank you very much for purchasing our products, I hope our professional and quick service can let you have a pleasant shopping experience.
We have posted your package to the post office, usually the tracking information will be updated in 1-3 days. Different shipping service has different features( details stated on our product page). One of our major shipping methods is FREE SHIPPING via China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus which is the most economical shipping method, the tracking number is only valid while the package is in China, once the package left China, it can not be tracked any more. But we guarantee you will get the order in protection time, please wait patiently. Based on our previous experience, it takes about 20-60 days to reach destination. If you don’t get the product by the end of protection, please contact us 5 days ahead, we will arrange the refund or replacement for you.
As a professional Aliexpress seller, we hope that everyone can enjoy high quality affordable products, our shop offers a full range of products, welcome to checkout our store (http://www.aliexpress.com/store/808906).If your next order is above $10, please type us a message with {free gift} while you are placing the order, then we will send you a mysterious gift with your new order.If you have any questions about our products or order, please reply this message, we will get back to you within 24 hours.
Best regards
Mary Online Store
2015-06-08 19:47:16Dear barunjase, Thank you very much for purchasing our products, I hope our professional and quick service can let you have a pleasant shopping experience. We have posted your package to the post office, usually the tracking information will be updated in 1-3 days. Different shipping service has different features( details stated on our product page). One of our major shipping methods is FREE SHIPPING via China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus which is the most economical shipping method, the tracking number is only valid while the package is in China, once the package left China, it can not be tracked any more. But we guarantee you will get the order in protection time, please wait patiently. Based on our previous experience, it takes about 20-60 days to reach destination. If you don’t get the product by the end of protection, please contact us 5 days ahead, we will arrange the refund or replacement for you. As a professional Aliexpress seller, we hope that everyone can enjoy high quality affordable products, our shop offers a full range of products, welcome to checkout our store (http://www.aliexpress.com/store/808906).If your next order is above $10, please type us a message with {free gift} while you are placing the order, then we will send you a mysterious gift with your new order.If you have any questions about our products or order, please reply this message, we will get back to you within 24 hours. 감사합니다 메리 온라인 스토어 http://www.aliexpress.com/store/808906
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

2015-06-08 자기 barunjase,
감사합니다, 구매 우리 제품, 우리 전문 퀵 서비스 너한테 즐거운 쇼핑 경험을 가지고 있다.
우리는 당신의 소포를 우체국에 붙어, 보통 정보 업데이트 추적 때 날 것이다.다른 운송 서비스 (자세한 설명 다른 특징 우리 제품 페이지).우리는 한 주요 선박 방법을 통해 중국 운임 보통 작은 그룹 더하기 후 가장 경제 운송 방법 밖에 추적 몇 때 우리 한 번 포장 포장 왼쪽, 중국, 더 이상 못 찾았다.근데 우리 보장할 수 보호 시간 위해, 기다려 주십시오.과거의 경험을 통해,약 20 ~ 날 수 있는 곳이다.만약 네가 보호 제품 연말 전에 연락 주세요, 5 일, 우리가 알아서 할게, 너 돌려주다 대신.
한 쪽 전문 원격 데스크톱 세계 빨리 팔아 통 지난해 우리 누구나 즐길 수 있는 양질의 감당할 수 있는 제품, 우리 가게의 일련의 제품, 어서 가서 검사 (http://www.aliexpress 우리 가게.. com / store / 808906) 을. 니가 그 이상 형 10만 원, 우리 좀 메시지를 {공짜 선물을} 주문 때, 우리는 당신에게 당신의 주문서를 신비한 선물. 만약 무슨 문제가 우리 제품 또는 주문 주세요, 이 소식을 들었을 때, 우리는 반드시 24시간 내에 회답을 드리겠습니다.
안부를 온라인
. 매리야.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..