Schlag die 12, Scharlatan, bis dich jeder sehen kann Fuehl' dich hier wie zuhause, hier konnte ich nicht lebend raus Renn so schnell du rennen kannst, schau ob du ans Licht gelangst Renn so schnell du rennen kannst, in den eignen Untergang
Beat the 12, charlatan, until everyone can see youMake yourself here as at home, here I was not aliveRacing so fast you can run, check whether you can reach the lightRacing so fast you can run, in the setting are
Beat the 12, charlatan to you everybody can see FEEL right here at home, here I could not get out alive can race as fast as you race, see if you will reach the light can race as fast as you race, in the own downfall
punch 12, a charlatan, and everyone can see you 'm you at home, i could not get out alive "run as fast as you could run, see if you can to light the run as fast as you can in the race, are sinking