2) Perfect Protection (3-4): God does not want us to be destroyed. Even though we may go through many hard and difficult times in our lives, we will not be destroyed. Sometimes, we may have a situation where we see no hope and become desperate. But that is the moment that God wants us to put all our hope in Him.
Apostle Paul once had a situation where he felt the sentence of death in his heart. He did not get that hardship for his personal benefit or for his job. He received that hardship because he tried to preach the Gospel of Jesus. The reason God gave him the feeling of the death sentence in his heart was to make Paul totally trust in God’s power, not in his own, according to 2 Cor. 1:8-9. God does not sleep or slumber while He is watching us.
That is God’s promise.
3) His protection in the universe (5-6): God promised that neither the sun nor the moon will harm us. If we think about all of the disasters we experience, we can find that some of them were man-made. We hardly see the sun or the moon hurting us as long as we follow God’s instructions. These days we experience more natural disasters and wars than ever before. That is the sign of the beginning of the end of the world. “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.”
Matt. 24:6-8 reads.
4) Eternal protection (7-8): God protects us from all harm. Sometimes, He allows us to face hardships in life. Hardships are not necessarily harmful to us. “It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees.” Psalm 119:71 reads. Through hardships we learn to trust in the Lord. We grow closer to Him and learn to focus on His Word.
God ultimately protects us from all evil. No one will snatch us from the hand of Jesus and of God. This is the promise God gives us and the blessing to those who receive Jesus in their hearts. God is our protector. Thank you and God bless you.