The sensor core of the MT9D113 is a progressive-scan sensor that generates a stream of
pixel data at a constant frame rate, qualified by LINE_VALID (LV) and FRAME_VALID
(FV). The maximum pixel rate is 30 Mp/s, corresponding to a pixel clock rate of
63.25 MHz. See Figure 6 on page 14 for a block diagram of the sensor core. It includes a
2.0Mp active-pixel array. The timing and control circuitry sequences through the rows of
the array, resetting and then reading each row in turn. In the time interval between resetting
a row and reading that row, the pixels in the row integrate incident light. The exposure
is controlled by varying the time interval between reset and readout. After a row is
read, data from the columns are sequenced through an analog signal chain that provides
offset correction and gain, and then through an ADC. The output from the ADC is a
10-bit value for each pixel in the array.
The pixel array contains optically active and light-shielded (dark) pixels. The dark pixels
provide data for the offset-correction algorithms (black level control).