Frangipani Calendar for Australia
January 28c - 19c
The start of the year is right in the middle of flower time and the heat, we need to make sure that the plants are watered properly, early mornings are best but only when the plants need it, flowers are everywhere. Potted frangi's can need watering a couple of times a day in excessive heat and if they are in a covered area misting the area is also a good idea. Seedlings planted in spring should be ready for re-potting this month as long as they have at least 3 or 4 sets or true leaves plus you should still be feeding your plants to support the flowering, just remember to keep them out of the full sun or they will burn. Grafting can still be done safely and you can be doing cross pollination as well if you want to have a go at it, watch for hoppers and kill as you find them, also keep your eyes out for opening pods, although they should all be just about done by this month.
February 28c - 19c
Watering is still a must, same with feeding, remember if you want good flowers next season they need to be taken care of this season, this is the best month for flowers here, we are just inundated with them unless we have had heavy rain. Seedlings are still ok to re-pot as needed, although seeds can still be raised successfully I stop planting in November/December so that they are strong enough to last through their first winter. Grafting is starting to get towards the end of its season and cross pollination is in full flight. Watch out for rust, spraying can be started as you see the spots start to form, hoppers are still around too.
March 27c - 18c
Watering is still in force, feeding should be slowed down or stopped. This is really the last safe month for most of us to re-pot seedlings as in some states it is starting to cool down, grafting should also be stopped by now as the plants will not have long enough to accept them before the cold sets in. Cross pollination is pretty strong this month, I find this is still a great time here but if you are uncertain of the best time for you simply count back 9 months from when the pods on each tree opened and that is roughly the best time to try it again, just allow a period either side though. Rust is on top of us all except for those that are lucky, treatment and removal of leaves needs to be in full swing to control it, you may still find the occasional hopper as well.
April 25c - 15c
Watering should be slowed right down if not stopped by now, grafting has finished, still a bit of cross pollination but it may be too late to set successful pods with winter almost on us. Seedlings should be tucked away and potted plants are almost ready to be put under cover in the colder areas. Rust is right on top of us now so you should be removing infected leaves and bagging them plus spraying with your preferred rust treatment. Powdery mildew can also be starting up around this time with the moisture, I would also be making sure expended inflo’s are removed, simply hold the branch in your hand and push the inflo with your thumb, if it is ready to drop it will just come away leaving a nice heel, if it just bends leave it a bit longer but don’t forget it. I start to remove all the inflo’s here this month due to our particular problem.
May 22c - 12c
Southern states are in cold mode, potted plants should be under cover along with the seedlings. Watering shouldn’t be happening and all other activities should also be stopped by now. Rust is still around in the northern areas, inflo’s that have finished should be removed as per April.
June 20c - 8c
All the plants should be asleep now, check for rot occasionally, other than this it should be a quiet time, watch for pruning of plants in pots and add tiny amounts of water as needed.
July 20c - 8c
Same as June, not much to do, keep an eye out for rot, if you are prone to frost and have plants in the ground remember to protect the tips over the suspect nights, watch for pruning of stems.
August 21c - 9c
Last month of winter, watch for black tip/rot, northern states can start to get their plants ready for spring, southern states need to be mindful of pruning still, I am running around getting all the seed planting gear ready, spring is almost here and in the far northern areas pods can start to open
September 23c - 11c
Spring at last, seeds are starting to be sown in the northern states/areas, watering is spasmodic and the plants can be fed to fire them up for the new season. Rot and black tip is still a problem in some areas, seedlings can be checked over to make sure they are ok along with any other potted frangi's and they can be put back out in the sun if frost danger has passed. Pods can start opening this month in most locations, sap flow should be improving so grafting isn't far away either and neither is taking cuttings. Re-potting can be started this month as the frangi's will shoot away once they are in fresh mix and have a good feed and water, we are busy planting out last seasons seedlings now as they are big enough to handle it plus they will rocket off being in the ground.
October 25c - 13c
Watering is getting a bit more regular, feeding is back in action and with the sap flow grafting can be started up again along with the taking of cuttings. Seed planting should be just about right in all states with last months seeds shooting away. Flowers should be around in the northern states/areas and pods are still opening. Potted frangi's should be getting full sun again. Re-potting is still in force as needed and so is planting out seedlings here.
November 26c - 16c
Watering is a regular thing again now same with feeds, seeds are still being planted and the first lot are gaining in size. Grafting is in full swing, cuttings can be potted as they become ready or taken from trees. The trees are starting to leaf up strongly, if you suffer from rust you can trim some of the leaves from the branches for better air circulation. This also helps them to resist broken branches when we have strong wind & rain together by reducing the weight factor, staking individual branches also helps. Cross pollination is just about ready to start up this month with all the new flowers and the hoppers are starting to graze too so keep an eye out for them.
December 27c - 18c
Christmas is upon us, year went too quick once again. Watering is back in full flight along with the feeding, grafting is going great too, cuttings are still being taken and planted. Seeds can still be planted but usually I don’t like going past the second week, some of the seeds planted in September are ready for re-potting. Cross pollination is humming along and pods are still opening up so if you are going to plant the seeds do it now. Leaves can still be trimmed to keep the good air circulation although some of us will have the first signs of rust later this month. Hoppers are still eating flowers and leaves, great practice for your reflexes trying to catch them between your thumb and finger, keeps us nimble. Flowers are abundant and the scent is beautiful, photos are in full force as you try to outdo everyone else. Really start to wonder where the year went.....
This is the yearly calendar for Frangipani Grove just outside Ballina in northern NSW, you may need to adjust it for your area and temperatures, I have listed our local average temps for each month to give you a better idea for your own region, we do get up into the 40's over summer and down as low as 2c over winter.
© Dennis
Frangipani Calendar for Australia January 28c - 19cThe start of the year is right in the middle of flower time and the heat, we need to make sure that the plants are watered properly, early mornings are best but only when the plants need it, flowers are everywhere. Potted frangi's can need watering a couple of times a day in excessive heat and if they are in a covered area misting the area is also a good idea. Seedlings planted in spring should be ready for re-potting this month as long as they have at least 3 or 4 sets or true leaves plus you should still be feeding your plants to support the flowering, just remember to keep them out of the full sun or they will burn. Grafting can still be done safely and you can be doing cross pollination as well if you want to have a go at it, watch for hoppers and kill as you find them, also keep your eyes out for opening pods, although they should all be just about done by this month. February 28c - 19cWatering is still a must, same with feeding, remember if you want good flowers next season they need to be taken care of this season, this is the best month for flowers here, we are just inundated with them unless we have had heavy rain. Seedlings are still ok to re-pot as needed, although seeds can still be raised successfully I stop planting in November/December so that they are strong enough to last through their first winter. Grafting is starting to get towards the end of its season and cross pollination is in full flight. Watch out for rust, spraying can be started as you see the spots start to form, hoppers are still around too. March 27c - 18cWatering is still in force, feeding should be slowed down or stopped. This is really the last safe month for most of us to re-pot seedlings as in some states it is starting to cool down, grafting should also be stopped by now as the plants will not have long enough to accept them before the cold sets in. Cross pollination is pretty strong this month, I find this is still a great time here but if you are uncertain of the best time for you simply count back 9 months from when the pods on each tree opened and that is roughly the best time to try it again, just allow a period either side though. Rust is on top of us all except for those that are lucky, treatment and removal of leaves needs to be in full swing to control it, you may still find the occasional hopper as well. April 25c - 15cWatering should be slowed right down if not stopped by now, grafting has finished, still a bit of cross pollination but it may be too late to set successful pods with winter almost on us. Seedlings should be tucked away and potted plants are almost ready to be put under cover in the colder areas. Rust is right on top of us now so you should be removing infected leaves and bagging them plus spraying with your preferred rust treatment. Powdery mildew can also be starting up around this time with the moisture, I would also be making sure expended inflo’s are removed, simply hold the branch in your hand and push the inflo with your thumb, if it is ready to drop it will just come away leaving a nice heel, if it just bends leave it a bit longer but don’t forget it. I start to remove all the inflo’s here this month due to our particular problem. May 22c - 12cSouthern states are in cold mode, potted plants should be under cover along with the seedlings. Watering shouldn’t be happening and all other activities should also be stopped by now. Rust is still around in the northern areas, inflo’s that have finished should be removed as per April. June 20c - 8cAll the plants should be asleep now, check for rot occasionally, other than this it should be a quiet time, watch for pruning of plants in pots and add tiny amounts of water as needed. July 20c - 8cSame as June, not much to do, keep an eye out for rot, if you are prone to frost and have plants in the ground remember to protect the tips over the suspect nights, watch for pruning of stems. August 21c - 9cLast month of winter, watch for black tip/rot, northern states can start to get their plants ready for spring, southern states need to be mindful of pruning still, I am running around getting all the seed planting gear ready, spring is almost here and in the far northern areas pods can start to open September 23c - 11cSpring at last, seeds are starting to be sown in the northern states/areas, watering is spasmodic and the plants can be fed to fire them up for the new season. Rot and black tip is still a problem in some areas, seedlings can be checked over to make sure they are ok along with any other potted frangi's and they can be put back out in the sun if frost danger has passed. Pods can start opening this month in most locations, sap flow should be improving so grafting isn't far away either and neither is taking cuttings. Re-potting can be started this month as the frangi's will shoot away once they are in fresh mix and have a good feed and water, we are busy planting out last seasons seedlings now as they are big enough to handle it plus they will rocket off being in the ground. October 25c - 13cWatering is getting a bit more regular, feeding is back in action and with the sap flow grafting can be started up again along with the taking of cuttings. Seed planting should be just about right in all states with last months seeds shooting away. Flowers should be around in the northern states/areas and pods are still opening. Potted frangi's should be getting full sun again. Re-potting is still in force as needed and so is planting out seedlings here. November 26c - 16cWatering is a regular thing again now same with feeds, seeds are still being planted and the first lot are gaining in size. Grafting is in full swing, cuttings can be potted as they become ready or taken from trees. The trees are starting to leaf up strongly, if you suffer from rust you can trim some of the leaves from the branches for better air circulation. This also helps them to resist broken branches when we have strong wind & rain together by reducing the weight factor, staking individual branches also helps. Cross pollination is just about ready to start up this month with all the new flowers and the hoppers are starting to graze too so keep an eye out for them. December 27c - 18cChristmas is upon us, year went too quick once again. Watering is back in full flight along with the feeding, grafting is going great too, cuttings are still being taken and planted. Seeds can still be planted but usually I don’t like going past the second week, some of the seeds planted in September are ready for re-potting. Cross pollination is humming along and pods are still opening up so if you are going to plant the seeds do it now. Leaves can still be trimmed to keep the good air circulation although some of us will have the first signs of rust later this month. Hoppers are still eating flowers and leaves, great practice for your reflexes trying to catch them between your thumb and finger, keeps us nimble. Flowers are abundant and the scent is beautiful, photos are in full force as you try to outdo everyone else. Really start to wonder where the year went.....
This is the yearly calendar for Frangipani Grove just outside Ballina in northern NSW, you may need to adjust it for your area and temperatures, I have listed our local average temps for each month to give you a better idea for your own region, we do get up into the 40's over summer and down as low as 2c over winter.
© Dennis
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

호주 프랜지 달력 월 28C - 19C 년의 시작은 꽃의 시간과 열 중간에 맞다, 우리는 식물이 필요로하는 경우에만 이른 아침 가장하지만, 식물이 제대로 물결 무늬가 있는지 확인하기 위해 꽃이 필요 도처에있다. 화분 frangi 년대 과도한 더위에 몇 번 하루에 물을 필요로하고이 지역을 연무 덮여 지역의 경우도 좋은 생각입니다 수 있습니다. 봄에 심은 모종은 전체 태양에서 그들을 유지하기 위해 기억만큼 그들은 적어도 3 ~ 4 세트 또는 사실 잎이 플러스 여전히 꽃을 지원하기 위해 당신의 식물을 공급해야한다 이번 달 재 포팅을위한 준비를해야합니다 또는이 지속된다. 그들은 모두 단지해야하지만, 손톱은 여전히 안전하게 수행 할 수 있으며, 당신은뿐만 아니라 당신이 그것을에서 이동을 호퍼에 대한보고 당신은 또한, 그들을 찾을 포드를 열기 위해 사용자의 눈을 밖으로 유지로 죽이고 싶어하는 경우 교차 수분을 수행 할 수 있습니다 약이 달에 의해 수행. 월 28C는 - 19C 물이 여전히 필수을, 먹이와 같은, 당신은 좋은 꽃에게 그들이 이번 시즌 알아서해야 다음 시즌을 원한다면 기억이 여기에 꽃을위한 최선의 달, 우리는 단지입니다 그들과 함께 침수 우리는 폭우 있었다 않는. 씨앗은 여전히 성공적으로 제기 그들의 첫 번째 겨울을 통해 마지막에 충분히 강한 있도록 나는 11 월 / 12 월에 파종을 중지 할 수 있지만 모종, 여전히 다시 냄비를 필요에 따라 확인한다. 그 계절과 교차 수분의 끝으로 얻을 시작 접목하면 전체 비행입니다. 당신이 반점이 형성되기 시작 참조로 시작할 수 있습니다 살포, 녹 조심, 호퍼 주위도 여전히. 월 27C는 - 18C 물은 여전히 유효하다, 공급은 둔화 또는 중지해야합니다. 우리의 대부분은 다시 냄비하는 모종가 냉각하기 시작 일부 주에서와 같이, 또한 지금까지 중단되어야 접목 식물이 추운 세트 전에 그들을 받아 들일 충분한 시간이없는 것 같은이 정말 마지막 안전 달 . 교차 수분이 달 꽤 강하다, 나는이 여전히 여기에 좋은 시간입니다 찾을 수 있지만 가장 좋은 시간 모를 경우 당신은 단순히 9개월 각 트리 포드가 열릴 때부터 다시 계산과 그 약에 가장 좋은 시간이다 , 다시 시도 단지 비록 기간을 어느 한쪽을 할 수 있습니다. 녹 우리 운이 그들 제외한 모든의 상단에, 치료 및 잎의 제거는, 당신은 여전히뿐만 아니라 가끔 호퍼을 찾을 수를 제어하기 위해 본격적으로 할 필요가있다. 4월 25C - 15C 물을 오른쪽으로 경우 감속해야한다 하지 지금 중지, 접목은 완료 교차 수분의 아직도 약간 있지만 거의 우리에게 겨울 성공적인 포드를 설정하기에 너무 늦을 수있다. 모종이 자리 잡고되어야하고, 화분에 심은 식물은 추운 지역에서 덮개 아래에 넣어 준비가 거의 다 된 것입니다. 감염된 잎을 제거하고 그들을 포기할 플러스 원하는 녹 치료를 살포해야하므로 녹 바로 지금 우리의 상단에 있습니다. 흰가루병은 또한 수분이시기에 시작 할 수 있습니다, 그것은 단지 올 것이다 드롭 할 준비가되어있는 경우 또한,의 제거되었는지 소비 inflo는, 단순히 당신의 손에 분기를 잡고 엄지 손가락으로 inflo을 추진하게 될 것이다 그냥 굴곡이 조금 더두고 만 잊지 않으면 멀리, 멋진 발 뒤꿈치를 떠나. 나는 때문에 우리의 특정 문제에 여기에 모든 inflo 년대이 달을 제거하기 위해 시작합니다. 22C 일 - 12C 남부 주 추운 모드에, 화분에 심은 식물 모종과 함께 덮개 아래에 있어야한다. 물은 일이되어서는 안하고 다른 모든 활동은 지금까지 중지해야합니다. . 녹 4 월에 따라 제거해야 완료 북부 지역, inflo 년대에 주변에 여전히 8C - 6 월의 20C 모든 식물, 잠 지금 일이 아닌 다른이 있어야한다, 때때로 부패에 대한 조용한 시간을 확인, 가지 치기를 감시한다 화분에서 식물의 필요에 따라 물을 작은 금액을 추가합니다. 7 월 20C - 8C 는 서리와 땅에 공장을 가지고하는 경향이 경우 6월과 동일, 할 일이 많이하지, 부패에 대한 감시를 팁을 보호하기 위해 기억 밖으로 유지 . 용의자 밤 동안의 줄기 가지 치기를 감시 당당한 21 세기를 - 9C를 , 겨울의 지난 달 블랙 팁 / 부패를 감시, 북부 상태가 봄을위한 그들의 식물이 준비를 시작할 수 있습니다, 남부 주 나는 여전히 치기 염두해야 주위에 실행중인 모든 씨앗 심기 기어 준비하고, 봄이 거의 여기와 지금까지 북부 지역에서 포드가 열을 시작할 수 있습니다 9 월 23C를 - 11C의 봄 마지막에, 씨앗 북부 국가 / 지역에 파종 할 시작, 물은 경련이다 그리고 식물은 새로운 시즌을 불에 공급 될 수있다. 부패와 블랙 팁 아직도 일부 지역에서 문제는, 모종은 그들이 다른 화분 frangi 년대와 함께 확인되어 있는지 확인을 통해 확인할 수 있습니다 서리 위험이 경과 한 경우에는 태양에서 다시 넣을 수 있습니다. 포드는 이번 달은 대부분의 지역에서, 수액의 흐름이 너무 접목 개선해야 여는 시작할 수있는 것은 멀리하거나하지 않고도 절단을하고있다. - 포팅이 다시 그들이 신선한 믹스에 좋은 사료와 물을 한 번 frangi 년대 멀리 촬영할 때와 이번 달 시작할 수 있습니다, 우리는 그들이 그것을 처리 할 수있을만큼 큰만큼 지금 심기 아웃 지난 시즌 모종을 바쁜 플러스 그들은 로켓이 떨어져 것 지상에있는. 10월 25C - 13C 물을 좀 더 일반지고, 공급 다시 행동과 수액 흐름 접목 함께 절단의 복용과 함께 다시 시작할 수 있습니다. 씨앗 심기는 거리 촬영 지난 달 씨앗 모든 국가에 대한 권리해야한다. 꽃은 북부 국가 / 지역과 포드는 여전히 열고 있습니다 주위해야한다. 화분 frangi 년대는 다시 전체 태양을 받고해야한다. 필요 그래서 여기에 모종을 심기로 포팅이 다시 힘에 아직도있다. 11 월 26C - 16C 물을 정기적으로 일이 지금 다시 피드와 동일, 씨앗은 여전히 심어되고 있으며, 첫 번째 많은 크기 얻고있다. 손톱은 준비 또는 나무에서 촬영됨에 따라 본격적으로, 절단이 화분 할 수있다. 나무는 녹으로 고생하는 경우가 더 나은 공기 순환을 위해 가지에서 잎의 일부를 트리밍 할 수, 최대 강하게 잎하기 시작했다. 이것은 또한 우리는 또한 도움이 개인 지점을 걸고, 무게 계수를 줄여 함께 강한 바람과 비를 때 부러진 나뭇 가지에 저항을하는 데 도움이됩니다. 크로스 수분은 모든 새로운 꽃이 달 시작하는 단지에 대한 준비가되어 호퍼는 너무 그래서 그들을 위해 눈을 밖으로 유지 방목하기 시작했다. 12 월 27C - 18C 크리스마스가 우리에게있다, 올해는 다시 한 번 너무 빨리 갔다. 물을 접목 큰 너무, 잘라 여전히 촬영과 재배되고있는 것입니다, 먹이와 함께 다시 전체 비행입니다. 씨앗은 여전히 심어 될 수 있지만 일반적으로 내가 두 번째 주 과거가 싫어, 9 월에 심은 씨앗 중 일부는 다시 포팅을위한 준비가되어 있습니다. 크로스 수분이 함께 흥얼하고 당신이 씨앗이 지금 당장 공장 위하여려고하는 경우에 포드는 여전히 개방된다. 우리 중 일부는 이달 녹의 첫 번째 징후가 되더라도 잎은 여전히 좋은 공기 순환을 유지하기 위해 손질 할 수 있습니다. 호퍼는 여전히 민첩한 우리를 유지, 엄지 손가락과 손가락 사이를 잡으려고 노력 당신의 반사 꽃과 잎, 좋은 연습을 먹고있다. 꽃은 풍부하고 향기는 당신이 다른 사람을 능가하려고으로 사진 전군에, 아름답습니다. 정말 올해는 어디로 갔는지 궁금해하기 시작 ..... 이 북부 뉴 사우스 웨일즈 바로 발리 나 외부 프랜지 로브의 연간 일정입니다, 당신은 당신의 지역과 온도를 위해 그것을 조정해야 할 수도 있습니다, 나는 각 달 동안 우리 지역의 평균 임시 직원을 나열했습니다 자신의 지역에 당신에게 더 나은 아이디어를 제공하기 위해, 우리는 겨울을 통해 2C 낮은 아래로 (40) 여름 동안의과에 일어나 않습니다. © 데니스
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..