Le bar éphémère revient du jusqu'au 16 octobre dans l'ancien dépôt dés 번역 - Le bar éphémère revient du jusqu'au 16 octobre dans l'ancien dépôt dés 영어 말하는 방법

Le bar éphémère revient du jusqu'au

Le bar éphémère revient du jusqu'au 16 octobre dans l'ancien dépôt désaffecté de La Chapelle, à Paris. Une troisième saison enrichie d'un parcours autour des chemins de fer et du voyage, co-produit par la SNCF.
De mai à octobre 2015, la deuxième saison de Ground Control, campé - après la Cité de la Mode et du Design (XIIIe) - dans un immense dépôt désaffecté de la Chapelle (XVIIIe), attirait près de 200.000 visiteurs, venus boire un verre ou grignoter sur les rails, profiter des expos, projections, soirées, marchés, ateliers tricots et autres événements bobos organisés dans cet espace underground appartenant à la SNCF.
Pour l'édition 2016, l'éphémère et auto-proclamé bar «libre et curieux» change de concept. Co-produit par le collectif Ground Control et la SNCF, qui renforce désormais sa participation, le lieu devient «Grand Train» pour proposer au public un parcours insolite et décalé lié à l'univers des chemins de fer et du voyage. Cette année, l'intérieur du dépôt sera également investi pour couvrir près de 6000m2.
Huit restaurants et un bar à ciel ouvert

Entre musée et lieu de vie, Grand Train comprendra une salle de cinéma, sept points de restauration world (les hot-dogs de DAD, le barbecue et les empanadas de The Asado Club, les bibimbaps de Jules et Shim, les pâtisseries sans gluten d'Helmut Newcake, les pizzas et ceviches de Roberta, les waffle-burgers de Maison Wafflegänger), six bars, une librairie, un espace scénique, des visites guidées, des expositions (25 locomotives, dont certaines toujours en service, machines, objets, costumes) et diverses animations (barbier, tatoueur...). Mais aussi, comme en 2015, un bar à ciel ouvert, des terrains de pétanque, des terrasses, un espace enfant, un terrain de jeu, des jardins, une ferme urbaine, une épicerie, des marchés ou encore un poulailler.
Ce repositionnement ferroviaire, plus familial et moins festif, en hommage au passé du bâtiment, remportera-t-il autant les faveurs du public que l'an dernier? Réponse dans quelques jours....
Grand Train. 26ter, rue Ordener (XVIIIe). Tél.: 01 48 24 25 97. Du 4 mai au 16 octobre. Entrée libre.
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
Ephemeral bar comes back from until October 16 in the disused former depot of La Chapelle, in Paris. A third season enriched a course around the railways and of travel, co-produced by the SNCF.From May to October 2015, the second season of Ground Control, camped - after the city of fashion and Design (13th) - in a huge deposit of disused Chapel (18th), attracted nearly 200,000 visitors come for a drink or snack on track, enjoy exhibitions, screenings, parties, markets, knitwear and other events bobos workshops organized in this underground space belonging to the SNCF.For the 2016 edition, the ephemeral and self-proclaimed bar 'free and curious' change of concept. Co-produced by the collective Ground Control and the SNCF, which now strengthens its participation, the place becomes 'Big Train' to offer the public a unusual and offbeat courses related to the world of railways and of the trip. This year, the inside of the depot will be also invested to cover nearly 6000 m 2.Eight restaurants and a sky barBetween Museum and place of living, Great Train will include a movie theater, seven points of restoration world (dogs of DAD, the barbecue and the empanadas of The Asado Club, the bibimbaps of Jules and Shim, the pastries without gluten of Helmut Newcake, pizzas and Roberta ceviches, waffle-House Waffleganger burgers), six bars, a bookstore, a scenic space guided tours, exhibitions (25 locomotives, including some still in service, machines, objects, costumes) and various animations (Barber, tattoo...). But also, as in 2015, a sky bar opened, petanque fields, terraces, a children's area, a playground, gardens, an urban farm, a grocery store, market or even a chicken coop.This rail, more family-oriented and less festive repositioning, in tribute to the history of the building, will win as much favour with the public than last year? Answer in a few days...Big Train. 26ter, street Ordener (18th). Tel.: 01 48 24 25 97. From May 4 to October 16. Free entry.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
The ephemeral bar returns from until October 16 in the old disused depot La Chapelle in Paris. A third season enriched a path around the railways and travel, co-produced by SNCF.
From May to October 2015, the second season of Ground Control, camped - after the City of Fashion and Design (XIII ) - in a huge disused filing Chapel (XVIII), attracted nearly 200,000 visitors from a drink or nibble on track, enjoy the exhibitions, screenings, parties, markets, workshops knitwear and other ailments events in this space underground owned SNCF.
for the 2016 edition, the short-lived and self-proclaimed "open and curious" bar exchange concept. Co-produced by the collective Ground Control and SNCF, which now strengthens its participation, the place becomes "Big Train" to offer the public an unusual and offbeat courses related to the world of railways and travel. This year, within the deposit will also be invested to cover nearly 6000m2.
Eight restaurants and a sky bar

between museum and living place, Great Train will include a cinema, seven world recovery points (hot dogs DAD, barbecue and empanadas the Asado Club, the bibimbaps Jules and Shim, baked goods without gluten Helmut Newcake, pizza and ceviches Roberta, the waffle house Wafflegänger burgers), six bars, a bookstore , a scenic area, tours, exhibitions (25 locomotives, some still in use, machines, objects, costumes) and various activities (barbers, tattoo ...). But also, as in 2015, an open bar, petanque, terraces, a children's area, a playground, gardens, an urban farm, grocery store, market or even a chicken coop.
This railway repositioning more family and less festive in honor of the past of the building, he will win much public favor than last year? Reply in a few days ....
Great Train. 26b, Ordener street (XVIII). Tel .: 01 48 24 25 97. From May 4 to 16 October. Free entry.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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