la vita ti ha tolto tanto, ma tu le hai restituito solo sorrisi e voglia di vivere, sei un esempio di
forza per tutti. mamma amore mio .
mamma, amore mio, anche se non ti ho sposato dicevo da piccolo, resti e resterai
l'amore della mia vita. Oggi, per te, il sorriso piu' dolce e amorevole che ho.
the life you took away so much, but you only returned smiles and want to live, you are an example of force for all. love my, my love, even if I married I said, remains and you'll be the love of my life. Today, for you, the sweetest smile and loving I.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
life has taken away so much, but you have only returned the smiles and love of life, you are an example of
strength for all. I love my mom.
Mom, my love, even if I married you told as a child, remains and will remain
the love of my life. Today, for you, the smile more 'gentle and loving that I have.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
the life he took a lot from you, but you returned just smile and want to live, you are an example of the strength for all. mom my love. "mom, my love, even if i didn't marry you i said little, remains and will be" the love of my life. today, for you, the smile more sweet and lovely that i have.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..