What is the Moodle Association? The term was first used publicly in a  번역 - What is the Moodle Association? The term was first used publicly in a  한국어 말하는 방법

What is the Moodle Association? The

What is the Moodle Association? The term was first used publicly in a post by Sam Gartner from Moodle HQ at OpenSource.com speaking to how Moodle is driven by user and community feedback [read the post here]. At the end of the article the author explains,

Moodle also is establishing the Moodle Association, a new, worldwide nonprofit organization expected to launch in a few months. The association will go through a systematic voting process regularly to determine their top priorities for the Moodle Roadmap. Membership fees will then be applied to paying Moodle HQ to develop the specified projects in Moodle core for the entire community.

Consider this the next iteration of community funding for Moodle. While there isn’t a lot of information about the Moodle Association yet published I can assume that the non-profit organization will allow users like me or even my organization to participate in the oversight of setting Moodle’s roadmap and development initiatives moving forward. This is a great opportunity for the community to voice its preferences for the direction of certain code, module changes, and overall trajectory of the code base all while helping to ensure that Moodle HQ is staffed with individuals capable of advancing those goals and turning those goals into usable and downloadable code.

How much will it cost? Will it be democratic? How much force will the Association have over entities like the Partners? A few more details are available at the official website (registration to the site is not yet open):

All members pay membership fees which are collected and managed by an elected committee. All members can then propose development projects, and then the Association will regularly go through a systematic voting process to determine the top priorities of the group. The funds will then be applied to paying Moodle HQ to develop the specified projects in Moodle core for the entire community.
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결과 (한국어) 1: [복제]
What is the Moodle Association? The term was first used publicly in a post by Sam Gartner from Moodle HQ at OpenSource.com speaking to how Moodle is driven by user and community feedback [read the post here]. At the end of the article the author explains,Moodle also is establishing the Moodle Association, a new, worldwide nonprofit organization expected to launch in a few months. The association will go through a systematic voting process regularly to determine their top priorities for the Moodle Roadmap. Membership fees will then be applied to paying Moodle HQ to develop the specified projects in Moodle core for the entire community.Consider this the next iteration of community funding for Moodle. While there isn’t a lot of information about the Moodle Association yet published I can assume that the non-profit organization will allow users like me or even my organization to participate in the oversight of setting Moodle’s roadmap and development initiatives moving forward. This is a great opportunity for the community to voice its preferences for the direction of certain code, module changes, and overall trajectory of the code base all while helping to ensure that Moodle HQ is staffed with individuals capable of advancing those goals and turning those goals into usable and downloadable code.How much will it cost? Will it be democratic? How much force will the Association have over entities like the Partners? A few more details are available at the official website (registration to the site is not yet open):All members pay membership fees which are collected and managed by an elected committee. All members can then propose development projects, and then the Association will regularly go through a systematic voting process to determine the top priorities of the group. The funds will then be applied to paying Moodle HQ to develop the specified projects in Moodle core for the entire community.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (한국어) 3:[복제]
마치 '착복' (지금 일컫다 Moodle. 그저) 일본 중추 [http://hub.moodlejapan.org/] Moodle 협회 한 타 조직원 과정 자원 공유 라이브러리

과정 공유 센터 한 Moodle 사용자 공유 그들의 Moodle 과정 곳.Moodle 관련 무엇입니까?이 전문 처음 사용되고 있다 山姆 공개 후 Gartner 에서 Moodle 본부 Opensource.com 에게 어떻게 Moodle 은 사용자 및 사회 피드백 [구동 읽은 후에] 여기.문장의 결말, 저자 설명해

Moodle 도 세우다 Moodle 협회, 새로운 글로벌 비영리 조직을 예상 앞으로 몇 개월 내놓다.협회 을 통 해 한 시스템 투표 과정 중 확정 Moodle 정기 노선 그림, 그들은 우선적으로 일이다.회원 비용 지급 데 쓰일 것이다 Moodle 본부 발전 전 지역 지정된 항목 위해 Moodle 핵심.

생각에 이 Moodle 커뮤니티 자금 대해 다음 번 반복.비록 많은 관한 정보를 Moodle 협회 아직 발표 내 생각엔 비영리 조직을 허용 사용자 것이다 나처럼 또는 조직 참여 모니터 설정 Moodle 노선 그림 과 발전 전진하다.이 사회의 소리 선호하는 일부 인코딩 방향을 좋은 기회를모듈 변화 를 동시에 도움 확보 Moodle 본부 배치 수 있는 이 목표 추진 될 이 목표를 전화한다 사용 가능한 및 다운이 가능한 코드 코드 라이브러리 모든 사람이 전체 궤적.

써야 얼마입니까?이것은 민주?얼마나 힘이 될 협회 실체 비슷한 파트너?더 많은 정보 제공 (은 공식 사이트 등록 아직 이 사이트 오픈):

모든 멤버 납부 회원 비용 을 수집 및 by 선거 관리 위원회.모든 멤버 모두 제기할 개발 프로젝트, 그리고 협회 가 투표 과정을 통해 정기적으로 것이다. 자, 확실히 그룹 첫째가는 임무이다.이 기금은 지급 데 쓰일 것이다 Moodle 본부 발전 전 지역 지정된 항목 위해 Moodle 핵심.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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