G hi. International youth peace group walking contest, announced the Declaration of a global peace liberation 2 anniversary thank you very much for coming. Today, the event is referred to as society became a oversee OO.Two years ago, on May 25, 2013, South Korea Seoul Declaration for peace on the world peace liberation front door has been released. After that, peace be upon him came from around the world gathered around the door about 3 million acres of the international youth peace group members walking the parade can proceed in peace.At present, the Republic of the Philippines in Mindanao on May 25, was designated as the cultural world peace day, the sky, the world in 43 cities in 22 countries declared the Declaration of world peace day, to commemorate the event.The first in the history of mankind, world peace, and today the liberation Manifesto was shot from the announcement of the second anniversary.The event is, the contents of the Declaration, just as we all are, by the Messenger of peace, peace for its willingness to back lies in the mind, wondering.Currently, the international youth peace group is joined to a number of youth organizations in the world with one of the most active in the pacifist movement has brought 251 lived up to those. So for now, with the Group's activities in the international youth peace watch appearance.
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