G안녕하세요. 국제청년평화그룹 걷기대회, 세계평화광복선언문 발표 2주년 기념행사에 와주셔서 진심으로 감사드립니다. 오늘, 이  번역 - G안녕하세요. 국제청년평화그룹 걷기대회, 세계평화광복선언문 발표 2주년 기념행사에 와주셔서 진심으로 감사드립니다. 오늘, 이  영어 말하는 방법

G안녕하세요. 국제청년평화그룹 걷기대회, 세계평화광복선언문 발표

G안녕하세요. 국제청년평화그룹 걷기대회, 세계평화광복선언문 발표 2주년 기념행사에 와주셔서 진심으로 감사드립니다. 오늘, 이 행사의 사회를 맡게 된 OO라고 합니다.
2년 전, 2013년 5월 25일, 한국 서울의 평화의 문 앞에서 세계평화광복선언문이 발표되었습니다. 그 후, 평화의 문 주변에는 전세계에서 모여 온 약 3만명 규모의 국제청년평화그룹의 회원들이 평화걷기퍼레이드를 진행했습니다.
현재, 필리핀의 민다나오에서는 5월 25일을 하늘문화세계평화의 날로 지정하였고, 세계 22개국 43개 도시에서, 세계평화선언문이 선포된 날을 기념하는 행사가 진행되고 있습니다.
그리고 오늘, 인류의 역사상, 최초의 세계평화광복선언문의 발표로부터 2주년을 맞았습니다.
이 행사는 선언문의 내용대로, 우리들 모두가 평화의 사자가 되고, 평화를 이루기 위한 의지를 다시 마음 속에 자리잡고, 생각해보기 위한 것입니다.
현재 국제청년평화그룹에 가입되어 있는 세계 청년 단체의 수는 251개로 이들은 지구촌에서 가장 활발한 평화운동을 실천하고 있습니다. 그럼 지금부터 국제청년평화그룹의 활동 모습을 함께 시청하시겠습니다.
다음 언어를 번역: -
다음 언어로 번역: -
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
G hi. International youth peace group walking contest, announced the Declaration of a global peace liberation 2 anniversary thank you very much for coming. Today, the event is referred to as society became a oversee OO.Two years ago, on May 25, 2013, South Korea Seoul Declaration for peace on the world peace liberation front door has been released. After that, peace be upon him came from around the world gathered around the door about 3 million acres of the international youth peace group members walking the parade can proceed in peace.At present, the Republic of the Philippines in Mindanao on May 25, was designated as the cultural world peace day, the sky, the world in 43 cities in 22 countries declared the Declaration of world peace day, to commemorate the event.The first in the history of mankind, world peace, and today the liberation Manifesto was shot from the announcement of the second anniversary.The event is, the contents of the Declaration, just as we all are, by the Messenger of peace, peace for its willingness to back lies in the mind, wondering.Currently, the international youth peace group is joined to a number of youth organizations in the world with one of the most active in the pacifist movement has brought 251 lived up to those. So for now, with the Group's activities in the international youth peace watch appearance.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
G Hello. Strides Walk for coming International Youth Peace Group, the world's peace manifesto released on the second anniversary of the liberation Thank you very much. Today, this is called the OO community was in charge of the event.
Two years ago, 2013 May 25, South Korea's Seoul Peace Peace This statement was released earlier liberation manifesto. After that, the door of peace around the members of the peace was going to walk the parade of about 30,000 gathered on the scale of the international youth peace groups from around the world.
At present, in the Philippines in Mindanao to May 25 was designated a day of culture of world peace sky world in 22 countries, 43 cities, is the celebration of World Peace Day has been proclaimed the Declaration is in progress.
And today, mankind's history, welcomed the announcement from the second anniversary of the first World Peace Declaration of Independence.
The event As the contents of the Declaration, we all become messengers of peace, located commitment to achieving peace in the minds again, is for wondering.
The number of youth organizations in the world are currently enrolled in the International Youth Peace Group which has 251 pieces We practice the most active peace movement around the world. So from now on I'll watch with you like an activity state of the International Youth Peace Group.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
G! The International Youth Peace Corps, World Peace Congress retrocession two anniversary of the declaration to express my heartfelt thanks. Today, the society of OO.
2 years ago, on May 25, 2013, Seoul peace of world peace Liberation Front published the declaration. After that, the International Youth Peace group members on the scale of about 30000 people around the world peace door has marched peacefully.,The people of the Philippines on May 25, the sky world peace culture rising, 43 cities in 22 countries in the world, the world peace declaration, the commemoration of the day were. And today, the history of mankind, the first world peaceful recovery. The door from the 2 anniversary issued a declaration.
This is the contents of the declaration, we are the messengers of peace, based on the realization of peace and heart to see
.At present, the International Youth Peace Corps participated in 250 of the world youth groups, the most active peace movement on earth.. So now the International Youth Peace group activity like watching.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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