Have you ever been stabbed by a thorn?<br>Although it hurts a lot to rub it on the skin, it can't be seen by the eyes In a moment, you won't feel warm<br>If the skin is injured, use the same principle as new meat to make buckwheat sauce! Micro silicone oil (micro acupuncture) penetrates the skin, causing minor wounds and inflammation<br>In this process, in order to eliminate the fine needle (immune response) of dermal fiber cells embedded in the skin<br>Activate the natural healing system that increases blood flow and induces skin regeneration at the same time.<br>Using the immune response of skin self recovery is not to remove the cutin, so improve the cutin and make the skin return to normal for 3 days<br>Activate the regenerative part of the 72 hour skin care program for the skin (movement).<br>
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